The Coaches Notepad

Possession Game 6 v 6 + 3 Gk's score to 3 goals

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Hello Everyone , this is a very good session that i have been using with my Senior team for quiet some time now.The space and number of players can also be modified to suit youth players as well. This exercise can be very intense as well as a lot of other things can be...

Session: Playing Out From The Back Under The New Laws!

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As you are probably aware the Laws of Football have had a slight change in time for this New season, and with these new changes have come new ideas, and teams are already adapting within the first 6 weeks at how they use these new laws to their advantage.The biggest change has been that...

Session:Liverpool Crossing From Deep

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This sessions is created to help Liverpool prepare fro the challenge of Burnley, Burnley a side who are confident defending the box, which is shown the image below, this limits some of Liverpool's attacking tactics, a side that cross confidently swinging away from the Goalkeeper, Burnley cover this space extremely effectively, with a compact...

Session: Combining Within a 6v6

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This sessions is great for use with any age, ability or gender as been commonly used across academies and first teams at a variety of levels, its a great way of developing combination play from wide areas. Aims: The session is the perfect way to develop patterns within an 11v11 or 9v9 shape, using...

Developing The Person inside The Coach

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Development is difficult, especially for those who are unsure of the journey they want to take on, or the route that they need to follow. However there are some key principles that can help you develop, and if you can remain fairly consistent to these principles, you will give yourself the greatest opportunity to...

The Player Centered Approach, When was Football not Player Centered?

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"Let the players make their own decisions!"The above quote, is no doubt something you've either said or heard, as you've stepped on to your local football pitch, or in to your professional football academy training ground. Now I'm not here to tell you that I don't believe the players shouldn't make decisions. But this...